Lumbar osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis with lower back pain and discomfortSpinal osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative disease that affects the vertebrae, discs, facet joints, ligaments, and other tissues that make up the musculoskeletal system. Many people believe that only adults and the elderly are susceptible to this disease. But in recent years, the diagnosis has been increasingly targeted at young people and even children. If osteochondrosis is not treated, serious complications may occur.Treatment of lumbosacral vertebrae osteochondrosis is performed in the clinic using a conservative approach to help eliminate pain and halt the progression of the disease without the need for surgery.Osteochondrosis can occur in any part of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral, or in multiple locations at the same time. But most commonly it affects the lumbosacral region. This is because the lower back bears the heaviest load when performing even simple daily activities such as lifting heavy objects, walking, running, sitting. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest, and therefore the intervertebral discs that separate them are also the largest. The lumbar area, like the neck area, is the most flexible part of the spine. This fact, combined with the heaviest loads, makes it a favorite "target" for osteochondrosis.Initially, the pathology involves the intervertebral disc, which loses its elasticity, becomes "dry" and loses height. Their shock-absorbing function is disrupted, causing the vertebrae to move closer together. The inner part of the disc, called the nucleus pulposus, begins to bulge due to its softness, pushing aside the annulus fibrosus around it. This is how protrusions and hernias form. They can compress the longitudinal ligaments and spinal nerve roots of the spine, causing pain.


The exact cause of osteochondrosis is unknown. But the fact that this disease is often diagnosed among representatives of certain groups shows that lifestyle has a strong influence on the development of this disease. First, it affects people who are physically inactive and have sedentary jobs. A passive lifestyle weakens muscle bundles and reduces the mobility of the spine. As a result, the muscles lose their ability to hold the spine in the correct physiological position, causing it to wear out rapidly.The main risk factors for developing osteochondrosis include:
  • Frequent lifting of heavy objects;
  • Overweight, obesity;
  • Endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalance;
  • Malnutrition, insufficient intake of vitamins, proteins and minerals;
  • heavy genetic burden;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • Back injuries;
  • Postural disorders;
  • Joint inflammatory diseases: arthritis, arthropathy;
  • congenital spinal anomalies;
  • flatfoot;
  • Pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancy.


The insidious thing about osteochondrosis is that it can remain asymptomatic for many years. It starts with mild pain and discomfort in the lower back, which will disappear on its own after a short rest. Often, patients do not notice these signs and do not consult their doctor. But gradually, the intensity of unpleasant sensations increases, and to relieve them, more rest or painkillers are needed.Low back pain caused by osteochondrosis is the main pathological symptom of the disease. The nature, severity, and location of pain vary widely—depending on the specific cause of the pain. Most commonly, patients complain of pain that is worsened by physical activity, standing for long periods of time, sneezing, and coughing. Sometimes the pain radiates into the legs, sacrum, and buttocks. When lying on your back, the unpleasant sensation disappears. Patients often describe acute and severe pain as being "shot in the back. "Other common complaints:
  • Stiffness and tightness in back muscles;
  • The sensitivity of the lower limbs is damaged to varying degrees, and there is a crawling feeling of "goosebumps" on the legs;
  • Limited spinal movement;
  • Gait changes, lameness due to severe back or leg pain;
  • leg muscle weakness;
  • Axial inflorescence;
  • Creaking in the back when bending or turning;
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence, or conversely, constipation and urinary retention.
Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis in women may be accompanied by some gynecological diseases and infertility, while in men they may be accompanied by infertility and erectile dysfunction.


The diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis begins with consulting a doctor. Additionally, laboratory and instrumental testing methods are performed to evaluate the overall condition of the spine and body.During the initial consultation, the doctor will:
  1. Opinion polls.The specialist will clarify the complaint, when it occurred and whether it is related to predisposing factors: physical activity, prolonged static postures, sudden movements, hypothermia. He also studies medical documents—doctor's reports and previous test results.
  2. examine. The doctor examines the skin and spine for obvious lesions, injuries, and deformities. He evaluates gait and limb symmetry.
  3. palpation. When palpating the spine, the presence of pain, compaction, or deformity can be detected.
  4. neurological examination. Consultation with a neurologist necessarily includes assessment of muscle strength, sensitivity, and symmetry of tendon reflexes in the extremities.
Thereafter, the patient will be referred for a more detailed diagnostic workup. In order to assess the physical condition, laboratory tests are required:
  • General and biochemical blood tests, including assessment of markers of inflammation - ESR and C-reactive protein;
  • General urinalysis.
Lumbar intervertebral osteochondrosis is diagnosed by instrumental diagnostic methods:
  1. X-rays in two projections. X-ray images are helpful in assessing skeletal condition, identifying abnormalities in spinal development, detecting established osteophytes and pathological changes in the joints.
  2. CT. Slice-by-slice CT images allow for a more detailed study of the spine. It can reveal vertebrae, bone growth, and other important defects. A CT scan with venography can show the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation within tissues.
  3. MRI. The preferred diagnostic method because it allows you to obtain a large amount of accurate information quickly and without radiation. MRI images can show the condition of cartilage, ligaments, discs, spinal nerve roots, spinal cord, and other soft tissues.

Which doctor should I contact?

Diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis are performed by doctors from multiple specialties: neurologists, chiropractors, orthopedic traumatologists. For the treatment process, the involvement of physiotherapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists and physical therapy specialists is required. Doctors from all these specialties work in clinics. Qualified experts conduct a comprehensive examination and develop an effective treatment plan for each patient individually.It is important not to self-medicate but to seek professional help immediately. Many people don’t know why lumbar osteochondrosis is dangerous and how it affects daily life. If this disease is ignored, serious and often irreversible health consequences can occur. Therefore, as soon as signs of illness appear, do not delay visiting a doctor and sign up for a consultation at a clinic.


What to do about lumbar osteochondrosis in men and women, only a qualified doctor can tell. Self-medication is strictly prohibited - this can aggravate the course of the disease. Doctors will strictly individualize treatment strategies according to the characteristics of each patient:
  • age,
  • osteochondrosis stage,
  • current health status,
  • There are accompanying diseases,
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
Treatment methods for lumbar osteochondrosis:
  1. medical treatement.The type, dosage, frequency and duration of administration of the drug are chosen by the doctor. Depending on the clinical situation, the regulations are as follows:
    • NSAIDs.They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Prescription should take into account the severity of pain and accompanying pathology, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
    • Muscle relaxants.Eliminate back muscle strain and reduce pain.
    • Glucocorticoids.Sometimes used for severe pain and inflammation.
    In cases of severe pain, drug blockade may be prescribed. The procedure involves injecting painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the source of the pain - near the pinched nerve. This can give you quick pain relief, improve spinal joint mobility and the patient's overall health.
  2. physiotherapy.Physical therapy procedures can improve health, enhance the effects of prescribed medications and accelerate tissue regeneration. For osteochondrosis, the following measures are recommended:
    • shock wave therapy,
    • magnet therapy,
    • Laser Treatment.
    In order to achieve maximum therapeutic results, a physical therapy course consisting of multiple procedures is required. The doctor individually determines the duration and frequency of physical therapy.
  3. Massage therapy.Massage is required outside of exacerbation periods. It is performed by a qualified massage therapist, who chooses strategies to affect the body based on medical history. You may feel better after your first treatment, but multiple treatments are needed to achieve lasting results. One of the main advantages of therapeutic massage is its additional effect on the psycho-emotional state. During a massage, endorphins - hormones of pleasure and joy - are released.
  4. acupuncture.Acupuncture essentially involves a doctor inserting special sterile needles into certain points on the body. They act on active points in the projections of nerve endings that are the source of inflammation and pain. This method helps relieve pain, relax muscles, and improve spinal mobility.
  5. Therapeutic Physical Education (Physiotherapy).Exercise therapy is appropriate during remission, when there is no acute pain. The purpose of these exercises is to stretch and relax the muscles of the spine, strengthen them and increase the flexibility of the spinal joints. Therapeutic gymnastics increases blood circulation and stimulates metabolism - which improves tissue nutrition.Even at home, regular and appropriate physical therapy can prevent worsening of the disease and the onset of pain. Even during periods of severe pain, bed rest is contraindicated; mobility is mandatory.


The most common consequence of lumbar osteochondrosis is compression of the spinal nerve roots by the formation of a hernia. As a result, the following neurological symptoms appear:
  • Paralysis or paralysis of the lower limbs, most commonly the feet;
  • Numbness and crawling sensation in lower limbs;
  • Damage to the genitourinary system and intestines.
Large hernias can compress the spinal cord, a condition called discogenic myelopathy. In this condition, persistent neurological symptoms occur, sometimes resulting in disability. Among the complications of osteochondrosis, it is worth emphasizing spondylosis - this is stiffness of the joints between the vertebral arches. This disease causes severe limitation of spinal movement.Another unpleasant complication is chronic pain syndrome, which lasts for more than 12 weeks and disrupts the patient's psychoemotional state.


The following measures will help prevent the occurrence and progression of lumbar osteochondrosis:
  • Perform regular physical activities and gymnastics;
  • weight control;
  • When working sedentary and maintaining fixed postures for long periods of time, warm up once an hour;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Visit the swimming pool;
  • Yoga and Pilates classes;
  • quit smoking and drinking;
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity, especially heavy lifting;
  • Minimize stress.
Prompt visit to the clinic can prevent the dangerous complications of osteochondrosis. Treatment in the initial stages of the disease has a good prognosis for recovery. Early treatment can halt the degenerative process and make the patient's life pain-free and comfortable.